Bible Code - Bill Clinton's Impeachment

Impeachment of US President Clinton in the Bible Codes

Clinton code - 6254 ELS

CLINTON (red letters on white background)
President Clinton's name in Hebrew (koph-lamed-yod-nun-teth-vav-nun) is encoded in the Torah at an ELS of 6254, beginning in Genesis 49:7 and ending in Exodus 24:11. This is the minimum ELS for his name in the Torah.

ADULTERER (maroon letters on light blue)
Beginning with the final "n" in "Clinton," the Hebrew word no'eph (nun-vav-aleph-pey) appears. Translated into English as "adulterer," it is found at an ELS of 12505, beginning in Genesis 49:7 and ending in Exodus 24:11. President Clinton is a self-confessed adulterer.

IMPEACH (white letters on maroon)
Crossing through Clinton's name is the Hebrew word ha'ashim (hey-aleph-shin-yod-mem), which means "impeach" in English. This word is found at an ELS of 18767, beginning in Genesis 24:45 and ending in Exodus 19:22.

KISLEV (blue letters on white)
Crossing the word "impeach," the Hebrew month Kislev (kaph-samek-lamed-vav) appears at an ELS of 18762, beginning in Genesis 34:26 and ending in Exodus 19:21. President Clinton was impeached on 30 Kislev on the Jewish calendar, which corresponds to December 19.

5759 (purple letters on yellow)
Underneath and to the left of "Clinton," the Hebrew year 5759 (tav-shin-nun-teth) appears at an ELS of 10 in Exodus 28:21. President Clinton was impeached in the Jewish year 5759, which corresponds to 1998.

LIE, FALSEHOOD, UNTRUTH (white letters on dark green)
Crossing the word first letter of "Clinton," the Hebrew word "lie," "falsehood," or "untruth" (shin-koph-resh) appears at an ELS of 11 in Genesis 49:7. President Clinton was impeached on 30 Kislev, 5759 for lying.

611 (yellow letters on black)
At the top of the matrix, the Hebrew number 611 (shin-shin-yod-aleph) appears at an ELS of 8, beginning in Genesis 21:3 and ending in Genesis 21:4. House Resolution 611 was passed on 30 Kislev, 5759 to impeach President Clinton.

DISGRACE, SHAME (light blue letters on black)
Underneath the name "Clinton," the Hebrew word "disgrace" or "shame" (lamed-beth-yod-yod-shin) can be found. It is at an ELS of 9, beginning in Exodus 31:16 and ending in Exodus 31:17.

DISGRACE, SHAME, IGNOMINY (black letters on orange)
Underneath and parallel to the name "Clinton," the Hebrew word "disgrace," "shame," or "ignominy" (beth-vav-shin-hey) can be found. It is at an ELS of -6254, beginning in Exodus 19:22 and ending in Exodus 31:16 . This word can be found a second time in the matrix at an ELS of -5 in Exodus 3:22.

SCOUNDREL, RASCAL, VILLIAN (white letters on gray)
To the right of the name "Clinton," the Hebrew word for "scoundrel," "rascal," or "villian" (nun-beth-lamed) appears at an ELS of 4 beginning Exodus 12:6 and ending in Exodus 12:7.

Clinton code - 9877 ELS

CLINTON (red letters on white background)
President Clinton's name in Hebrew (koph-lamed-yod-nun-teth-vav-nun) is encoded in the Torah at an ELS of 9877, beginning in Exodus 26:33 and ending in Genesis 39:4.

ADULTERER (maroon letters on light blue)
Beginning with the first "n" in "Clinton," the Hebrew word "adulterer" (no'eph, nun-vav-aleph-pey) appears at an ELS of 3290, beginning in Exodus 7:19 and ending in Genesis 50:15.

IMPEACH (white letters on maroon)
Crossing through Clinton's name is the Hebrew word ha'ashim (hey-aleph-shin-yod-mem), translated "impeach" in English. It is found at an ELS of 5 in Exodus 9:19.

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