Bible Code - Wall Street Crash, 1929 & 2000

Financial Crash on Wall Street

Wall Street, financial crash

WALL STREET (red letters on yellow)
The Hebrew phrase for "Wall Street" (resh-cheth-vav-beth-hey-koph-yod-resh) appears here at its minimum ELS occurrence in the Torah (1182). It begins in Numbers 5:29 and ends in Numbers 10:1.

DOW (gold letters on light blue)
The Hebrew transliteration for "Dow" (dalet-vav-vav, short for Dow Jones Industrial Average) is highlighted in the bottom of the matrix running parallel to "Wall Street." It is found at an ELS of 788, beginning in Numbers 8:22 and ending at Numbers 10:1.

NEW (dark gold letters on light blue)
The Hebrew transliteration for "New" (nun-yod-vav) is highlighted in the bottom right corner of the matrix at an ELS of 8, beginning in Numbers 10:9 and ending at Numbers 10:10.

YORK (light blue letters on dark gold)
The Hebrew transliteration for "New" (yod-vav-resh-koph) appears in the bottom right corner of the matrix at an ELS of 6 in Numbers 9:17. Wall Street is located in New York City, New York.

USA (white letters on blue)
The Hebrew acronym for "USA" (aleph-resh-hey-beth) appears in the matrix three times. It first appears at an ELS of -5, beginning in Numbers 10:1 and ending in Numbers 9:23. This occurrence shares a resh with "Wall Street." It also can be found running vertically through "Wall Street" from the bottom at an ELS of -1576, beginning in Numbers 9:17 and ending in Numbers 7:37. This occurrence shares a hey with "destruction" and "Wall Street." It can be found a third time at an ELS of 389, beginning in Numbers 8:8 and ending at Numbers 9:4.

ECONOMY (black letters on light red)
The Hebrew word for "economy" or "economic system" (mem-shin-koph) is shown in the matrix at an ELS of 1 in Numbers 7:19.

STOCK (black letters on gold)
The Hebrew word for shares of "stock" (mem-nun-yod-hey) crosses "Wall Street" diagonally in the matrix. It is found at an ELS of 1967, beginning in Numbers 7:2 and ending in Numbers 9:11.

MARGIN, RETURN, YIELD, PROFIT (white letters on brown)
The Hebrew word for "margin," "return," "yield," or "profit" (resh-vav-vav-cheth) appears in the matrix at an ELS of 1576, beginning in Numbers 5:9 and ending in Numbers 7:47.

MONEY (white letters on dark purple)
The Hebrew word for "money" (mem-ayin-vav-tav) appears in the matrix at an ELS of 2 in Numbers 9:11.

GREED (black letters on light green)
The Hebrew word for "greed" (cheth-mem-dalet-hey) appears in the matrix three times. It runs horizontally through the bottom of "Wall Street" at an ELS of -15, beginning in Numbers 10:2 and ending in Numbers 9:23. Next, it is found parallel and to the left of "Wall Street" at an ELS of 2364, beginning in Numbers 5:29 and ending at Numbers 9:4. Finally, it runs diagonally through "Wall Street" at an ELS of 1582, beginning in Numbers 7:47 and ending at Numbers 10:1. This occurrence shares a dalet with "Dow."

FINANCIAL CRASH (yellow letters on dark blue)
The Hebrew word for "financial crash" (mem-pey-vav-lamed-tav) appears at the top of the matrix, crossing through "Wall Street." It is found at an ELS of -798, beginning in Numbers 7:37 and ending at Numbers 5:29.

The Dow Jones stock index hit an intra day high of 11908.50 on January 14, 2000, and closed that day at an all-time high of 11723.00. Since then, the Dow has lost approximately 1/3 of its value. On March 10, 2000, the NASDAQ stock index hit an intra day high of 5132.52 and then closed at an all-time high of 5048.62. Since that high, the NASDAQ index has lost 3/4 of its value.

DROP, DECLINE, FALL (white letters on gray)
The Hebrew word for "drop," "decline," "fall" (yod-resh-yod-dalet-hey) appears at the top of the matrix, to the right of "Wall Street." It is found at an ELS of -5, beginning in Numbers 6:14 and ending at Numbers 6:13.

BUBBLE (white letters on green)
The Hebrew word for "bubble" (beth-vav-ayin-hey) appears in the matrix twice. First it appears at an ELS of -788, beginning in Numbers 7:37 and ending in Numbers 35:12. This occurrence shares a vav with "Wall Street" and a beth with "USA." Next, it can be found at an ELS of -786, beginning in Numbers 7:10 and ending at Numbers 5:22.

In financial terminology, a "bubble" is a market where stocks are extremely overvalued. In his December 5, 1996, speech to The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research in Washington, D.C., Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan implied that the U.S. stock market had become a "financial asset bubble," with investors driving stock prices up through "irrational exuberance." On that day, the Dow Jones stock index stood at 6437.10.

BANKRUPT (yellow letters on purple)
The Hebrew word for "bankrupt" (nun-teth-vav-lamed) appears in the matrix at an ELS of -386, beginning in Numbers 8:22 and ending in Numbers 7:89.

DESTRUCTION (white letters on red)
The Hebrew word for "destruction" (hey-cheth-resh-beth-hey) appears in the matrix three times. Twice it occurs at an ELS of 4, in Numbers 7:55-56 and Numbers 7:73-74. It can also be found at an ELS of 1573, beginning in Numbers 6:20 and ending at Numbers 9:11.

5760 (2000) (yellow letters on maroon)
The Hebrew letters which represent the Jewish year 5760 (tav-shin-samek, equivalent to the Roman year 2000) appears in the matrix numerous times, not all of which are highlighted. It can be found at equidistant letter sequences (ELS) of 2377 (beginning in Numbers 5:2 and ending at Numbers 7:37), -787 (beginning in Numbers 7:89 and ending at Numbers 7:55), and 392 (beginning in Numbers 7:19 and ending at Numbers 7:37). In addition, a longer form of 5760 (hey-tav-shin-samek) is found at an ELS of -1571, beginning at Numbers 10:1 and ending at Numbers 7:47. Finally, the phrase "in 5760" (beth-tav-shin-samek) appears at an ELS of -790, beginning in Numbers 7:74 and ending in Numbers 7:19.

5690 (1929) (white letters on orange)
The Hebrew letters which represent the Jewish year "5690" (tav-resh-tsadi, equivalent to the Roman year 1929) appears at the top of the matrix running diagonally through "Wall Street." It is found at an ELS of -1170, beginning in Numbers 6:14 and ending at Numbers 5:2. The New York Stock Exchange crashed in October 1929, signaling the start of the Great Depression.

SEVENTY (black letters on light blue)
The Hebrew word "seventy" (shin-beth-ayin-yod-mem) appears twice in the matrix, both times at an ELS of 1. It is found in Numbers 7:19 and in Numbers 7:37 (where it shares a shin with "in 5760"). Seventy years passed from the stock market crash of 1929 (Jewish year 5690) to the high of 2000 (Jewish year 5760).

WORD OF THE LORD (black letters on fuschia)
The Hebrew phrase "word of the LORD" (dalet-beth-resh-yod-hey-vav-hey) appears at the bottom of the matrix at an ELS of 1 in Numbers 10:1. This phrase crosses the bottom of "Wall Street" and shares a resh with "USA" and "Wall Street," as well as a hey with the extended form of "5760" and a vav with "Dow."

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